July 27, 2024


    Pride Month: How the movement against the Vietnam War electrified the fight for queer rights

    Stonewall itself had roots of its own, in the movement that developed against the Vietnam War, which not only helped to crystallize a gay political identity but set the stage for decades of queer organizing to come

    50th anniversary of CWI/ISA: The collapse of Stalinism and its impact

    Our comrades need to study these crucial lessons: The Russian Revolution. Trotsky’s analysis and struggle against Stalinism. The strengthening of Stalinism in the post-1945 era. And its collapse 35 years ago. This is a vital part of the theoretical foundation the ISA and next generation Marxists must build our movement upon.  

    “China’s rise” – an outdated view

    New Cold War: Capitalist East and West are both in decline Editorial, issue 75 of Socialist magazine (China magazine published by ISA in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) Socialist magazine and our international organisation ISA differ with the analysis...

    50 years of CWI/ISA: Our struggle for a fighting revolutionary Marxist International

    Arne Johansson, Socialistiskt Alternativ (ISA in Sweden) When the CWI, the Committee for a Workers International, was formed in the upstairs of the Mother Red Cap pub (an old pub said to have been frequented by Karl Marx, rebuilt in the 1980s and...

    Taiwan and the global imperialist conflict

    This article is an excerpt from a speech given by Vincent Kolo of chinaworker.info to socialists in South Korea Under imperialism each major power tries to weaken its rivals by economic but also by military pressure. The struggle over Taiwan is an e...

    Sunflower movement transformed Taiwan’s political map

    Important lessons from the mass struggle against the Ma government of March-April 2014 Vincent Kolo Ten years ago, a mass movement erupted in Taiwan which shook the whole capitalist establishment and resulted in a permanent irreversible political s...

    Ukraine War: Two years into an epoch-defining conflict

    End the imperialist meat-grinder! For international working class struggle against war and imperialism Danny Byrne, ISA International Executive (This article was first published on 26 February 2024) The fall of the town of Avdiivka to Russian troo...

    United States: Trump is sweeping the Republican primary. What would a second term mean for working p...

    Varun Belur, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This article was first published on 1 February 2024) The Republican presidential primaries are underway, but it isn’t much of a contest. After decisively winning the Iowa caucuses and N...

    United States: Undefeated – Lessons from 10 years of a socialist in office

    Long before Bernie Sanders and AOC were household names, Kshama Sawant was elected as the first open socialist in Seattle in nearly a century. Kshama has remained the lone socialist on the City Council for the past ten years — with which she and Seat...

    Lenin: His Legacy 100 Years After His Death

    The Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin, died on 21 January 1924 — 100 years ago. The party he led, known as the Bolsheviks and later the Communist Party, took power in the October Revolution of 1917, the first...

    Latest News

    Wall Street Journal fires new head of Hong Kong journalists’ union

    Media workers and the wider working class must stand together in Hong Kong, the US, China and internationally against all attacks.

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