July 27, 2024


    Wall Street Journal fires new head of Hong Kong journalists’ union

    Media workers and the wider working class must stand together in Hong Kong, the US, China and internationally against all attacks.

    United States: Trump assassination attempt helps the right

    Assassinations offer no way forward. We need a revolution to dismantle the sick system of capitalism, get rid of capitalist servants like Trump and Biden, and transform society along socialist lines.

    United States: Biden debate disaster shows — We can’t wait to build new party

    Enough with capitalism’s two party political system and all the exploitation and oppression it breeds. Join Socialist Alternative and build the socialist movement!

    War in Ukraine: Both imperialist camps are escalating the slaughter

    With no end in sight, working class struggle against war and imperialism is crucial Per-Åke Westerlund, ISA International Executive (This article was first published on 13 June 2024) Following seven months of a Russian military offensive which has...

    Britain: Tory vs. Tory-lite – Which way forward after the election?

    Only mass resistance will bring change under a Labour government Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales & Scotland) The Tories are gasping their last desperate breath before their 14 years in office comes to an end. After 14 years of ruth...

    Biden’s industrial policy: Will it rebuild the US economy?

    It’s time to break the cycle of voting Democrat or Republican and build a new party committed to socialist policies.

    US: War machine cracks down on student anti-war protests

    Ferocious repression underway Jesada Jitpraphakhan, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This article was first published on 1 May 2024) On the night of Tuesday, April 30, hundreds of NYPD officers in full riot gear stormed Columbia U...

    Why China’s “build, build, build” model eventually crashed

    Dikang, chinaworker.info 80 percent of China’s local government finance vehicles (LGFVs) can no longer meet their bond repayments. The LGFVs are entities owned by local governments that were set up at the time of the global financial crisis in 2008. ...

    Stop the slaughter: Mass starvation in Gaza

    Immediate ceasefire now! For working class global mobilisations against war and imperialism Per-Åke Westerlund, ISA International Executive (This article was first published on 14 March 2024) On the first days of Ramadan, deaths from mass starvati...

    Hong Kong in the era of counter-revolution

    “Article 23”: Another national security law passed Hong Kong’s new Article 23 national security law came into effect on 23 March. The Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, its official title, is far broader than the 2020 National Security Law, i...

    Latest News

    Wall Street Journal fires new head of Hong Kong journalists’ union

    Media workers and the wider working class must stand together in Hong Kong, the US, China and internationally against all attacks.

    Join us and organize to back fight. For a socialist world