September 20, 2024


    Overcapacity and price wars: China nears deflation tipping point

    Socialist magazine editorial part 2 (the first part of this article series was published on 5 September 2024)  Overcapacity is everywhere in Chinese industry. Rather than a sign of economic strength and success for Xi Jinping’s industrial policy, th...

    China’s nightmare economy

    Xi Jinping promised the “China Dream” but the economic reality has become a nightmare. In this Editorial feature we present three articles addressing the state of China’s economy.  Socialist magazine editorial part 1 of a 3-part series When Preside...

    Trump’s Taiwan rant

    “Pay us for defense” – What do Trump’s comments on Taiwan mean?  Hong Liuxing Donald Trump’s comments about US military support for Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack have had a chilling effect on the island’s political establishment. Many inter...

    Hong Kong: 40 years since the Sino-British Agreement

    Ultra-capitalist deal over Hong Kong's status exposes the hypocrisy of both sides This year marks 40 years since the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration by which the Chinese and British governments agreed to the handover of Hong Kong to Ch...

    Why China’s “build, build, build” model eventually crashed

    Dikang, 80 percent of China’s local government finance vehicles (LGFVs) can no longer meet their bond repayments. The LGFVs are entities owned by local governments that were set up at the time of the global financial crisis in 2008. ...

    Twice as many workers’ protests in China last year

    Crashing economy, vanishing jobs and unpaid wages are forcing workers onto the streets Jinchuan & Dikang, China’s economy is now in its deepest crisis since the restoration of capitalism. This is also part of an unpreceden...

    Sunflower movement transformed Taiwan’s political map

    Important lessons from the mass struggle against the Ma government of March-April 2014 Vincent Kolo Ten years ago, a mass movement erupted in Taiwan which shook the whole capitalist establishment and resulted in a permanent irreversible political s...

    China’s involuted economy

    The economy is tipping into a deflationary crisis with a worsening debt crunch, falling wages and prices, and increasing reliance of fraudulent economic data Editorial, issue 74 of Socialist magazine (China magazine published by ISA in China,...

    Nationalism and militarism make waves in the South China Sea

    Are China, the Philippines and the United States heading for military conflict? Hong Liuxing and Adam N. Lee, Recent months have seen a sharp escalation of the dispute between the Philippines and China for sovereignty over islands an...

    Xi-Biden talks: No thaw in Cold War

    Both U.S. and China make fake show of “progress” at San Francisco summit Editorial from Socialist 《社會主義者》magazine, journal of ISA in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan The dictator-in-chief met the warmonger-in-chief on November 15, for long-delayed talks...

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    Nigeria: National protest against high cost of living

    Government’s desperate attempts to suppress the movement fails We demand the immediate release of all arrested protesters MSA (ISA in Nigeria) (This ...

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