Stonewall itself had roots of its own, in the movement that developed against the Vietnam War, which not only helped to crystallize a gay political identity but set the stage for decades of queer organizing to come
Important lessons from the mass struggle against the Ma government of March-April 2014
Vincent Kolo
Ten years ago, a mass movement erupted in Taiwan which shook the whole capitalist establishment and resulted in a permanent irreversible political s...
July 28, 1931
The revolutionary tide is now indisputable. The Communist parties are growing stronger in certain countries. The elementary flow of forces turns aside the questions of strategy and puts them in second or third place. The workers mo...
A significant change in the political landscape in Ireland, coupled with Sinn Féin’s rise to become the largest party in the North, will be a defining feature of Irish politics in the next few years. The misguided tactical approach that flows fro...
Greyson Van Arsdale, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States)
(This article was first published on 31 August 2023)
In 2020, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella sat down on CNBC to urge the world’s wealthiest to act on climate change. Announcing tha...
ISA International Committee Statement
Introduction — “The Single Most Important Element of World Relations”
ISA has identified a New Cold War between US and Chinese imperialism, which has asserted itself, as “the single most important element ...
New English edition of Seven Weeks That Shook the World with extra material published by ISA’s China, Hong Kong, Taiwan section
The following is the introduction to the new English edition of the book (176 pages, July 2023, €8.50) available from chi...
During the World Congress of ISA held from 30 January to 5 February delegates and visitors held intense discussions on ‘World Perspectives’. As a consequence, the document “Epoch of multiple crises — we have a world to win” was passed. We publish her...
Historic document from International Socialist Alternative (formerly known as the Committee for a Workers’ International) now available in Chinese
The Collapse of Stalinism is an important historical document of ISA (formerly CWI) published in June ...
Rather than hitting the pause button on the imperialist US-China Cold War, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has fast fowarded processes
Vincent Kolo,
“The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have exper...
Rebuild and escalate the global movement against genocidal war and imperialism
Per-Åke Westerlund, ISA International Political Committee
(This artic...
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