May 5, 2024


    Iran: Fighting for a revolutionary alternative to the regime

    The revolutionary uprising in Iran has been ongoing for over 2 months now. Heroic actions on the streets, led by women and youth have been decisive in inspiring broader layers of society and the working class to rise up.

    Protests [Mostly] Suppressed In China But Crucially, Continue Outside

    Read below for an update on where the movement stands in China, followed by a selection of reports from solidarity demonstrations across the world and ISA’s involvement. Elan Axelbank, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales & Scotland) In...

    London protest for imprisoned Chinese socialist

    On 25 November protesters gathered outside the Chinese Embassy in London in solidarity with the imprisoned socialist labour activist Chai Xiaoming. Around 30 protesters chanted, “Free Chai Xiaoming!” and “Solidarity with Chinese socialists and Ja...

    Return to Dust Banned

    Li Ruijun’s arthouse film became a surprise hit with Chinese audiences until banned by censors on the eve of the CCP’s 20th Congress Adam N Lee, Since its release in July, the low-budget arthouse film ‘Return to Dust’ (Yin Ru Chen ...

    Iranian uprising: Jina (Mahsa) Amini must become the symbol of successful working-class revolution!

    The killing of a young Kurdish woman in Iran has triggered a massive wave of upheaval, protests and strikes, threatening the whole regime. Nina Mo, ISA in Austria (This article was firstly published on 2 October, and last edited on 12 October 2022)...

    Britain: Chinese Consulate staff attack protestor

    Paul Gerrard, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales and Scotland) On Sunday 16 October a peaceful protest outside the Chinese Consulate in Manchester was attacked by consulate staff, some wearing motorcycle helmets and body armour. One of the...

    US: Pulled back from the brink – Flatlining Democratic majority reanimated by Republican extre...

    Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) Editorial Board Just a few months ago, the Democrats were headed for a complete bloodbath in the midterms. In July, Biden’s approval ratings hovered around 38%, lower than Trump’s at the same time in ...

    Iran: Justice for Zhina (Mahsa) Amini! Down with the Islamic regime!

    Build international socialist-feminist solidarity with the growing movement against gender based and state violence! ISA & ROSA International Socialist Feminists (This article was first published on 20 September 2022) The killing of Zhina (Mahs...

    ISA World Cadre School 2022: Mass revolts against morbid capitalism

    ISA cadre school discusses world events Per Ake Westerlund, ISA (This article was first published on 28 July 2022) The world is experiencing turbulent events, coming at break kneck speed — economic and political crises, wars and mass uprisings. T...

    Ukraine: A turning point in the war?

    Do the Ukrainian offensives around Kharkiv and in the south mean that the nature of the war has changed? How much pressure are Putin and the Russian troops under? What will be the effect on the global economy and political situation? Per-Åke Westerl...

    Latest News

    ISA: Addressing questions on a safeguarding case

    ISA International Executive statement ISA’s International Executive would like to address questions regarding ISA’s handling of serious accusations ag...

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