March 7, 2025

    Capitalist Restoration

    The Collapse of Stalinism (Part 1)

    Historic document from International Socialist Alternative (formerly known as the Committee for a Workers’ International) now available in Chinese The Collapse of Stalinism is an important historical document of ISA (formerly CWI) published in June ...

    Poland: Defeat from the jaws of victory

    In August 1980, Poland’s Stalinist regime was rocked by a massive strike wave which swept across the country Paul Newberry, Socialist Alternative (ISA in Poland) Arguably, Poland came closest to a successful workers’ revolt against Stalini...

    China: Anniversary of June 4 Tiananmen massacre

    The Beijing massacre of 1989 crushed the democracy movement and cemented the Chinese regime’s embrace of capitalism Dikang, June 4 marks the 31st anniversary of the gruesome massacre in Beijing by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)...

    Latest News

    Middle East: A new balance of power, a fragile ceasefire and Trump

    Trump will be the most supportive US president ever to Netanyahu and the extreme-right. Per-Ake Westerlund, ISA International Political Committee (T...

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