March 29, 2025

    Cold War

    Hiroshima G7 ramps up US-China Cold War

    The Group of Seven (G7) major Western capitalist economies met in Japan on 19-21 May As expected these governments used this opportunity to ramp up pressure on China and Russia. A guest appearance by Ukraine’s leader Volodymyr Zelensky was staged...

    A road map for the US-China Cold War

    Book review: Danger Zone – The Coming Conflict with China by Hal Brands and Michael Beckley offers a very scary road map for US victory in the new imperialist Cold War Adam N Lee, Brands and Beckley, specialists in geopolitical his...

    China: Xi purges CCP’s top ranks

    At the Communist Party’s 20th Congress dictator Xi Jinping made a clean sweep of the party-state’s top organs including the once powerful Standing Committee, but does the purge translate into greater strength or stability? Vincent Kolo, chinaworker....

    China: Xi Jinping’s 20th Congress caps five years of political disasters

    Xi’s totalitarian rule is steering China towards revolutionary upheavals Editorial from Socialist (社會主義者) magazine, published by International Socialist Alternative in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan The Chinese regime (CCP) is holding its 20th Congress ...

    What’s behind the Taiwan Strait crisis?

    Pelosi’s arrival in Taiwan watched by 200 million mainland Chinese • Dramatic escalation of tensions between two unstable superpowers Vincent Kolo, The chain of events sparked by Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan on 2-3 August si...

    Socialists and the US-China Cold War

    Rather than hitting the pause button on the imperialist US-China Cold War, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has fast fowarded processes Vincent Kolo, “The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have exper...

    50 years since Nixon’s pivot to China

    A half century has passed since US President Richard Nixon’s ground-breaking visit to China on 21 February 1972 reporters Nixon was the first American president ever to visit China and no formal relations had existed between the two ...

    The new Cold War: Getting hotter?

    Shifting positions over Taiwan and its international status are raising tensions between the US and China, while a new global arms race is kicking off Vincent Kolo, Are we witnessing a temporary thaw in the US-China conflict? This ...

    Biden and Xi escalate US-China conflict

    The task of ISA is to expose with hard facts and clear analysis both Cold War camps. We explain that it is only the working class, not any of the capitalist governments, that can lead a way out of humanity’s crisis, and this requires the workers’ movement to preserve its political independence, build its organisations, and combine across national borders around the program of international socialism.

    China: The unreal world of Xi Jinping

    Chinese regime’s propaganda goes into overdrive as Xi positions himself for unprecedented third term This article is from Socialist Alternative, the political magazine of the Socialist Party (ISA) in Ireland. By Vincent Kolo, There i...

    Latest News

    United States: 5 right-wing lies about immigration

    Cody Turner, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This article is by our sister organisation in the United States, Socialist Alternative...

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