Chinese dictatorship again shows zero tolerance towards workers’ rights to organize
Philipp Chmel, International Socialist Alternative
For attempting to organize food delivery workers in China, Chen Guojiang risks five years in prison. He has bee...
Drop the charges against Chai Xiaoming (ISA in China) reporters
On 14 August, left activist Chai Xiaoming was tried secretly by the Intermediate Court in the eastern city of Nanjing on the charge of “inciting subversion of state po...
The Beijing massacre of 1989 crushed the democracy movement and cemented the Chinese regime’s embrace of capitalism
June 4 marks the 31st anniversary of the gruesome massacre in Beijing by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)...
Sino-US tensions increasing as China’s economy stumbles
Vincent Kolo,
China’s president Xi Jinping began his week-long visit to the United States, touching down in Seattle on Tuesday 22 September, where he met with top CEOs inc...
Trump will be the most supportive US president ever to Netanyahu and the extreme-right.
Per-Ake Westerlund, ISA International Political Committee
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