March 29, 2025

    right of self-determination

    How do Marxists approach the national question?

    The national question is a crucial question in China as it is around the world First published in the Socialist (社会主义者‏) magazine by ISA in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan More than 100 million of China’s population is made up of non-Han minoriti...

    How the Bolsheviks treated the national question

    A century after the October revolution, the approach of the Bolsheviks to resolving the national question remains a shining example of what could be achieved in resolving national conflicts if genuine socialist governments were to come to power acros...

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    United States: 5 right-wing lies about immigration

    Cody Turner, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This article is by our sister organisation in the United States, Socialist Alternative...

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