The Stalinists in Indochina learned nothing from the Chinese experience
International Socialist Alternative
Most histories of the struggle against French colonial rule in Vietnam reflect the Stalinist traditions of the Hanoi regime, and ignore or s...
USSR, with this “malignant bureaucracy” at the helm, as still a workers state, albeit a “degenerated workers state.”
Peter Hadden (Socialist Party) (ISA in Ireland)
This article is a chapter from the 1999 publication The Struggle for Socialism ...
The Beijing massacre of 1989 crushed the democracy movement and cemented the Chinese regime’s embrace of capitalism
June 4 marks the 31st anniversary of the gruesome massacre in Beijing by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)...
fight for all, even limited democratic advances, but explain the need to
overthrow capitalism
Vincent Kolo,
The following is a reprint from September 2010 of our reply to criticisms on social media from a sectar...
Capitalism and imperialism were driven out, but political power rested in the hands of a Stalinist communist party
This article by Vincent Kolo was first published on in October 2009, on the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Re...
Nothing alarmed the CCP dictatorship more than the movement of the working class aroused to action by the student-led democracy protests
Vincent Kolo, from the book Tiananmen 1989: Seven Weeks That Shook the World
The great significance of the ...
Trump will be the most supportive US president ever to Netanyahu and the extreme-right.
Per-Ake Westerlund, ISA International Political Committee
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