From beginning to end, 2021 was a year of perfect storm for world capitalism. This rotten and decadent system has rarely, if ever before, faced such deep simultaneous crises on so many fronts. It has never been more over-ripe for replacement, and the 2020s are only getting started
A turning point in the restoration of Chinese capitalism
Peter Chan, Socialist Action
On 17 January 1992, Deng Xiaoping boarded a train from Beijing to Shenzhen for a month-long “family trip”. This seemingly unremarkable journey at the time turned ...
Spoilt British ‘Royal’ Prince Andrew, who would scream and shout if his collection of teddy bears was disturbed, is now facing civil action in the US, after his friend, the socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, has been found guilty of soliciting and trafficking under-age girls.
Per-Åke Westerlund, International Socialist Alternative
Three hundred camps with more than a million Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang are probably the most brutal expressions of the CCP dictatorship in China.
In Darren Byler’s new book, In the Camps: Chi...
Nearly every component of our day to day lives, from flipping on the lights to flipping through our phone, is powered by dirty energy.
Rebecca Green, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States)
Nearly every component of our day to day lives, f...
The documentary ‘Framing Britney Spears’, aired recently in the UK and Ireland. It documents the #FreeBritney movement and tracks Spears’ career, and the events that led up to the conservatorship that the 39-year-old performer and artist is currently...
Is the problem neoliberalism or capitalism?
George Martin Fell Brown and Tony Gong, Socialist Alternative (ISA USA)
The current economic crisis may have been triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, but its roots lie in a deeper crisis of capital...
Arming a New Generation with Revolutionary Method.
Lynn Walsh
On 20 August, 1940, Trotsky was struck a fatal blow with an ice-pick by Ramon Mercader, an agent sent to Mexico by Stalin’s secret police, the GPU, to murder the exiled revolutionary, ...
The Stalinists in Indochina learned nothing from the Chinese experience
International Socialist Alternative
Most histories of the struggle against French colonial rule in Vietnam reflect the Stalinist traditions of the Hanoi regime, and ignore or s...
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by his revolutionary alias, Vladimir Lenin, was born in the city of Simbirsk, now known as Ulyanovsk, on Russia’s Volga river a century and a half ago
Rob Jones Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia)
Cody Turner, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States)
(This article is by our sister organisation in the United States, Socialist Alternative...
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