Despite their recent propaganda it was US governments that helped to create the Frankenstein’s monster of right-wing islamism and al Qaeda
We here republish a review article from 2004 by Laurence Coates in Socialism Today (journal of the CWI in En...
The Hollywood film The Wolf of Wall Street has generated a lot of controversy
This film is based on the memoirs of Jordan Belfort, a finance shark who according to the US government still owes his victims US$100m in restitution. The film is banned...
‘Lenin’ by Lars T Lih
Peter Taaffe, from Socialism Today (No.175, February 2014)
In an attempt to answer the description of Lenin by capitalist historians as a brutal dictator, some on the left turn to Lars T Lih. He has tried to reinvent the...
Heroically leading ANC to power but struggle tragically into dead end
Weizmann Hamilton and Thamsanqa Dumezweni, DSM (CWI South Africa)
The Democratic Socialist Movement offers condolences to the Mandela family and all those in South Africa and...
The massive social struggles around the civil war bring up important issues that are played out in the continuing battles today to end racial, class, sexual and gender exploitation under U.S. and global capitalism.
Patrick Ayers and Eljeer Haw...
Workers’ strikes and new local rebellions use the slogan “Learn from Wukan”
Vincent Kolo and Zhang Shujie,
Wukan is the fishing village in southern China’s Guangdong province that achieved worldwide fame as a symbol of mass res...
International struggle can end dictatorship of the markets
Joint declaration by CWI sections in Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain
In 2012, the markets and capitalist governments which serve them, have more misery in store. This will me...
On the brink of a new downturn
Lynn Walsh, editor of Socialism Today, monthly magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)
“2012 will not be a walk in the park”, warns Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF. The world capitalist econom...
Capitalist chaos – class struggle sharpens
CWI - a socialist analysis
Below, we publish a document on world and European perspectives which will be proposed by the CWI’s International Secretariat to a meeting of the International Executive Comm...
Unofficial memoirs of top Chinese leader fill important gaps in our knowledge
Reviewed by Vincent Kolo,
The circumstances under which ‘Prisoner of the State’ was written are quite dramatic, perhaps more so than the book itself...
Cody Turner, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States)
(This article is by our sister organisation in the United States, Socialist Alternative...
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