July 27, 2024

    Hong Kong

    Hong Kong mass arrests – Xi Jinping strikes while Western powers are in disarray

    Mass arrests of democratic opposition under China’s national security law ISA reporters in Hong Kong The latest sweeping crackdown by the Chinese dictatorship (CCP) in Hong Kong effectively bans political opposition in the city. The fragile ‘democr...

    China: Xi regime declares war on Jack Ma and Ant Group

    CCP dictatorship’s plan to curb the power of tech oligarchs sends shockwaves through the system. Lee Yong, chinaworker.info This article first appeared on chinaworker.info on 14 November and has been translated to English for ISA. The last-minute...

    US: Trump administration bans Chinese-owned TikTok

    US-China tech war escalating Zhou Yi, chinaworker.info (ISA China) On 31 July, President Trump announced that TikTok (the overseas version of the Chinese video-sharing app Douyin) will be banned nationwide in the US, and the relevant executive or...

    Hong Kong: Third wave of pandemic and counter-revolutionary repression

    Government uses new Covid-19 outbreak as pretext to cancel Legco elections Jo Yan, Socialist Action The passage of the draconian Hong Kong National Security Law means the counter-revolutionary suppression by the Chinese dictatorship (CCP) has offic...

    Hong Kong national security law – Xi Jinping’s “nuclear option”

    The imposition of the new national security law in Hong Kong by the Chinese dictatorship (CCP) is a massive blow to democratic and political rights Per-Ake Westerlund and Vincent Kolo The effect of the Chinese regime’s new law is similar to a milit...

    Hong Kong: Pandemic and repression fail to quell mass anger

    How can the struggle go forward? chinaworker.info The economic crisis under Covid-19 has arrived in full force. Hong Kong’s unemployment rate in the period from March to May was 5.9 percent, which is higher than the 5.5 percent during the global fi...

    Hong Kong: People see this as the “final battle”

    Per Olsson of Offensiv (ISA's weekly newspaper in Sweden) asked Dikang of Socialist Action in Hong Kong about the recent dramatic events there. Per Olsson: The new national security law for Hong Kong seems to be a game changer; do you think it will ...

    Hong Kong: Power grab by Xi Jinping to smash democratic rights

    Beijing’s enactment of a new national security law for Hong Kong is the point of no return Dikang, chinaworker.info Events in Hong Kong have reached the point of no return. The Chinese dictatorship’s decision, from the platform of its pseudo-parlia...

    Coronavirus epidemic – crisis deepens in China and Hong Kong

    Workers need to act: build unions / epidemic action committees in every workplace The following text is from a leaflet issued by Socialist Action (CWI Majority in Hong Kong) as health sector workers and activists in the new trade union groups...

    China: A significant retreat in Maoming

    Mass protests against crematorium force government to back down in fear of a new Hong Kong Dahu, chinaworker.info At the end of November, thousands took to the streets in Wenlou in angry protests against plans to build a crematorium. 1,000 riot pol...

    Latest News

    Wall Street Journal fires new head of Hong Kong journalists’ union

    Media workers and the wider working class must stand together in Hong Kong, the US, China and internationally against all attacks.

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