October 26, 2024


    China’s ‘Zero Covid’ disaster – voices from Shanghai

    “I want to break down and cry” • Li Yong of chinaworker.info spoke to Shanghai residents Haiyang and Xiaoyan. These interviews were conducted on 11 April when Shanghai had been in lockdown for almost a fortnight. Since then the city of 28 million peo...

    Review of 2021: Age of disorder, Year 2

    From beginning to end, 2021 was a year of perfect storm for world capitalism. This rotten and decadent system has rarely, if ever before, faced such deep simultaneous crises on so many fronts. It has never been more over-ripe for replacement, and the 2020s are only getting started

    China: The unreal world of Xi Jinping

    Chinese regime’s propaganda goes into overdrive as Xi positions himself for unprecedented third term This article is from Socialist Alternative, the political magazine of the Socialist Party (ISA) in Ireland. By Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info There i...

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    United States: Kamala Harris — A new hope or a mirage?

    Is this newfound hope in the Democratic Party justified? Not by a long shot Teddy Shibabaw, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This art...

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