‘Down with CY Leung’ – but what are the next steps in democracy struggle?
Socialist Action reporters
This year is the 16th anniversary of Hong Kong passing from British colonial rule to CCP (Chinese Communist Party) rule. Since 2003 when 500,00...
Marchers demand Chief Executive CY Leung’s resignation and one person one vote
Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong)
An estimated 130,000 joined protest marches on 1 January against Hong Kong’s leader Leung Chun-ying, also known as “CY”. ...
The 15th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong to China sees the largest turnout on the annual July 1 demonstration since 2003
Pasha Wan, Socialist Action (CWI Hong Kong)
The demonstration in Hong Kong saw enormous crowds chanting “CY Leung,...
Greenland, the Panama Canal, Canada… Donald Trump’s growing “shopping list” expresses the military and economic interests of US imperialism.
Per-Ake ...
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