Mass struggles will break out in China inevitably in the coming period, but these will also be very complicated – filled with all sorts of illusions and confusions. We do not fear these complications, but we have to understand and prepare.
What’s needed is mass revolutionary struggle for full and immediate democratic rights, independent workers’ organisations and trade unions, and a break with capitalism.
Campaign launch discussed solidarity with workers, feminists and democracy activists
The following article is based on a speech by Vincent Kolo of at a launch meeting for the SARCHK campaign on 9 June, 2021, in England, Wales and Sc...
We are calling out HSBC for its collusion with the viciously repressive Chinese regime. We urge trade unions and ordinary working people everywhere to show your solidarity with the struggle for democratic rights in China and Hong Kong.
Cody Turner, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States)
(This article is by our sister organisation in the United States, Socialist Alternative...
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