April 1, 2025

    Mao Zedong

    50 years since Nixon’s pivot to China

    A half century has passed since US President Richard Nixon’s ground-breaking visit to China on 21 February 1972 chinaworker.info reporters Nixon was the first American president ever to visit China and no formal relations had existed between the two ...

    Students protest prison-like restrictions across China

    Student protests sweep Chinese campuses against draconian lockdowns Hong Liuxing (红流星) chinaworker.info Due to the coronavirus pandemic the Chinese state imposed strict lockdowns on university and school campuses since April. In August, the Ministry...

    Capitalism and the Chinese state

    How was capitalism restored in China? This article was first published in 2015 in the Greek magazine Marxist Thought. It is now published in English for the first time. Vincent Kolo In March, China’s ornamental ‘parliament’ the National People’s C...

    China: Anniversary of June 4 Tiananmen massacre

    The Beijing massacre of 1989 crushed the democracy movement and cemented the Chinese regime’s embrace of capitalism Dikang, chinaworker.info June 4 marks the 31st anniversary of the gruesome massacre in Beijing by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)...

    70 years since the Chinese revolution

    Capitalism and imperialism were driven out, but political power rested in the hands of a Stalinist communist party This article by Vincent Kolo was first published on chinaworker.info in October 2009, on the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Re...

    Latest News

    United States: 5 right-wing lies about immigration

    Cody Turner, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This article is by our sister organisation in the United States, Socialist Alternative...

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