February 13, 2025

    National Question

    Sunflower movement transformed Taiwan’s political map

    Important lessons from the mass struggle against the Ma government of March-April 2014 Vincent Kolo Ten years ago, a mass movement erupted in Taiwan which shook the whole capitalist establishment and resulted in a permanent irreversible political s...

    How do Marxists approach the national question?

    The national question is a crucial question in China as it is around the world First published in the Socialist (社会主义者‏) magazine by ISA in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan More than 100 million of China’s population is made up of non-Han minoriti...

    How the Bolsheviks treated the national question

    A century after the October revolution, the approach of the Bolsheviks to resolving the national question remains a shining example of what could be achieved in resolving national conflicts if genuine socialist governments were to come to power acros...

    Scottish referendum: Ten days that can shake British capitalism to its foundations

    Opinion polls show independence vote is balancing on a knife edge Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI in Scotland) “In the past four weeks support for the union has drained away at an astonishing rate. The Yes campaign has not just in...

    China: Terrorism comes to Tiananmen Square

    Chinese state steps up repression against Uighurs and other national minorities chinaworker.info Monday’s deadly incident in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, one of the most symbolic and heavily policed sites in China, has been classified as a “terr...

    Latest News

    Trump, Greenland and the Panama Canal

    Greenland, the Panama Canal, Canada… Donald Trump’s growing “shopping list” expresses the military and economic interests of US imperialism. Per-Ake ...

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