July 27, 2024


    United States: Inflation now, recession soon – Capitalists want us to pay for their crisis

    Stephen Edwards, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This article was first published on 7 July 2022) Working people in the U.S. are facing the worst inflation in 40 years. Gas is at $6 a gallon in many places; groceries are up by mor...

    Colombia: Mass revolt against regressive tax reform and the right-wing government

    Only an organized movement of the working class, armed with a socialist programme, can break with imperialism and capitalism, the real source of the poverty, exploitation and oppression that plagues the Colombian masses.

    Latest News

    Wall Street Journal fires new head of Hong Kong journalists’ union

    Media workers and the wider working class must stand together in Hong Kong, the US, China and internationally against all attacks.

    Join us and organize to back fight. For a socialist world