October 28, 2024

    Tuition fees

    Chinese students face huge increase in tuition fees

    Chinese universities are increasing tuition fees by up to 54 percent this year Hong Liuxing, chinaworker.info Continued cuts in education funding are pushing fees higher across multiple provinces. The increases will take effect from the start of th...

    Hong Kong: Government policies harm refugee children

    Protests by refugee families, “No more delays – education is a right!” Socialist Action reporters On 4 November a seven year-old stood before the assembled politicians in Hong Kong’s Legislative Council (Legco) and shamed them. Olivia is ‘state...

    Taiwan: Student protests win important victory

    Education ministry retreats over increased tuition fees CWI Taiwan Students campaigning against higher tuition fees have won a victory in the Taiwanese capital, Taipei. On the evening of 18 June, after weeks of protests in which CWI Taiwan memb...

    Latest News

    United States: Kamala Harris — A new hope or a mirage?

    Is this newfound hope in the Democratic Party justified? Not by a long shot Teddy Shibabaw, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This art...

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