A fighting democratic movement must be created to continue and build upon this historic “first round”
Editorial from Socialist magazine《社會主義者》issue 30 (Jan-Feb 2015)
After almost three months that transformed the outlook of hundreds of thousan...
Mass struggle needs genuine internal democracy and a fighting working class programme to defeat the CCP dictatorship
The epic ‘Umbrella Revolution’ has raged for seven weeks, now holding out for longer even than the historic Ti...
The democracy movement in Hong Kong has shaken the Beijing regime and Socialist Action (CWI Hong Kong) has played an active role in this movement. The socialist weekly newspaper Offensiv in Sweden talked to Dikang of Socialist Action about these even...
Beijing’s scare propaganda doesn’t stand up to examination
Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong)
The CCP-run media claims Hong Kong’s mass democracy protests are in fact a plan masterminded by Western powers to split China and prevent its...
Build a bottom-up democratically elected leadership for ‘umbrella movement’
The is the text of a new leaflet from Socialist Action (CWI) for the 10 October demonstrations in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong political crisis has taken new dramatic turns....
Reject fake ‘negotiations’ • Organise democratic defence committees to repel attacks and kick out CY Leung’s brutal government!
Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI Hong Kong)
On Friday 3 October, with protests ranks dipping after six days of occupati...
Reject fake ‘negotiations’ • Build democratic defence committees to repel attacks • Kick out CY Leung’s brutal government
Leaflet issued by Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) for October 5 democracy demonstrations
There is little doubt the gov...
“Big business is trying to say that we are privileged”
Hong Kong-based journalist Shannon Van Sant interviewed billionaire Allan Zeman and protester Pa Sha. These segments of her interview were posted on her facebook page.
Two very different p...
Anger over police violence fuels spontaneous “umbrella revolution” and growing strike movement
Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info
This was the weekend that changed everything in Hong Kong. Mass popular resistance on the streets, by night and day, w...
For a new, enlarged school strike to fightback against the crackdown on student pro-democracy protests
Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong)
Hong Kong’s week-long student strike in support of a democratic election system reached a climax ...
US-China imperialist conflict set to escalate on all fronts
Vincent Kolo, ISA International Committee
(This is an extended version of an article from ...
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