March 29, 2025


    China: CWI’s Zhang Shujie spoke at hearing in Sweden’s parliament

    How the security police operate CWI reporters in Stockholm “I was warned that I could get several years in prison for ‘contact with a banned organization’ and for ‘crimes related to national security.’ Zhang Shujie, a socialist from China, gave w...

    ‘Long Hair’ to attend Stockholm hearing on state repression in China

    LSD legislator from Hong Kong to speak in support of young socialist Zhang Shujie, forced to flee China Hong Kong legislator ‘Long Hair’ Leung Kwok-hung is in Sweden to attend a seminar in the Riksdag (parliament) on state repr...

    CWI’s Zhang Shujie forced to flee China

    Repression against left activists increasing in China By CWI reporters The ongoing and intensifying state crackdown in China, increasingly targeting left activists and critics, is highlighted by the case of 24-year old Zhang Shujie, a supporter...

    Hong Kong: Jail terms for left activists

    Two-weeks imprisonment for protest action against MTR fare rises is part of government drive to criminalise struggle Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) reporters The verdict from Hong Kong’s Eastern Magistrates’ Court yesterday is an ominous w...

    Hong Kong: Answering racist lies!

    Socialist Action protests against racist march • Recent anti-migrant propaganda originates from Government House Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) On Sunday 9 October, the racist network ‘Caring Hong Kong Power’ (CHKP) gathered around...

    Riots: Who broke Britain?

    August’s explosive events revealed a class society in crisis Sarah Sachs-Eldridge, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales), first published in Socialism Today On Thursday 4 August police shot dead Mark Duggan on the streets of Tottenham. Loca...

    China’s rulers shaken by youthful protests in Inner Mongolia

    Thousands of farmers and students join protest marches in at least six cities Vincent Kolo, At the time of writing it seems China’s rulers have succeeded in quelling a daring weeklong wave of street protests in Inner Mongolia. ...

    Hong Kong: One year since ‘516’ electoral revolt

    500,000 protest votes against the political establishment and fake democracy – crucial lessons in the struggle for democratic rights By Dikang and Jen Left, Socialist Action The first anniversary of the ‘516’ elections in Hong Kong is an occasi...

    China: Lessons of 1989 mass democracy movement

    New foreword to the traditional Chinese edition of ‘Tiananmen 1989 – Seven Weeks That Shook The World’ Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI Hong Kong) This book about the bloody Beijing massacre of June 4, 1989, was first published in simplified Chine...

    Xinjiang: Brutal policing triggers deadly riot

    140 killed and 800 injured in worst ethnic clashes for decades in China’s Muslim-majority region Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.infoA peaceful sit-down protest in the capital city Ürümqi by around 300 Uighurs, the Turkic-speaking minority that is the dom...

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    United States: 5 right-wing lies about immigration

    Cody Turner, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This article is by our sister organisation in the United States, Socialist Alternative...

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