Sudden chaotic exit from hardline pandemic controls leaves cities grappling with explosive COVID surge
Vincent Kolo,
In response to a wave of anti-government protests in late November the Chinese dictatorship (CCP) has pivoted abru...
Read below for an update on where the movement stands in China, followed by a selection of reports from solidarity demonstrations across the world and ISA’s involvement.
Elan Axelbank, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales & Scotland)
Free the arrested • End Zero Covid • End dictatorship!
Leaflet from for global solidarity demos with China's mass protests
The mass protests of November 2022 have changed China. Whatever happens in coming weeks, everybody now knows...
Most significant protests since the 1989 Democracy Movement
Li Yong and Vincent Kolo,
At the time of writing police are massing in Chinese cities in an effort to stamp out the recent protest wave. Protests continue at universities....
Paul Gerrard, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales and Scotland)
On Sunday 16 October a peaceful protest outside the Chinese Consulate in Manchester was attacked by consulate staff, some wearing motorcycle helmets and body armour. One of the...
Xi’s totalitarian rule is steering China towards revolutionary upheavals
Editorial from Socialist (社會主義者) magazine, published by International Socialist Alternative in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
The Chinese regime (CCP) is holding its 20th Congress ...
The Chinese dictatorship is not the “green superpower” it wants us to believe
Hong Liuxing,
Capitalist governments around the world boast they are making progress in the fight against climate change. But war, deglobalization and ev...
A mass sit-down protest by tens of thousands at the entrance of Chinese-built Gwadar port in Pakistan is just one example of a simmering grassroots backlash against Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative
Hong Liuxing & Dahu,
Ten years ago China was shaken by the arrest and downfall of leading CCP princeling Bo Xilai. Bo was one of the most well-known political figures in China, using his office as CCP leader of Chongqing as a platform to project himself as an alternative...
Ten years ago China was shaken by the arrest and downfall of leading CCP princeling Bo Xilai. Bo was one of the most well-known political figures in China, using his office as CCP leader of Chongqing as a platform to project himself as an alternative...
Trump will be the most supportive US president ever to Netanyahu and the extreme-right.
Per-Ake Westerlund, ISA International Political Committee
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