October 24, 2024


    China: Terrified of more protests, dictatorship targets young women protesters

    The CCP is terrified of radicalizing young women Elan Axelbank, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales and Scotland) (This article was first published on 16 February 2023) The protests triggered by China’s brutal zero-Covid policy late last ...

    China: Jiangsu chained woman scandal exposes systemic trafficking

    A video of a chained-up mother of eight children was posted on Douyin (China’s TikTok) in late January – within days it was viewed over 3 billion times drawing ten times more online traffic than the Beijing Winter Olympics Adam N Lee, chinaworker.in...

    US Texas: All out to defend reproductive rights!

    After the Texas State legislature passed a law effectively banning abortions in America’s second most populous state, feminists have not given up the struggle. Socialist Alternative has been at the forefront.

    Take #MeToo to the streets

    Global feminist protests against sexual violence and gender discrimination International Women’s Day statement by Socialist Action Once again we are marching alongside socialist and working class feminists around the world to turn Internat...

    Chinese dictatorship intensifies Jasic crackdown

    Forced confessions and more disappearances as CCP regime persecutes worker and youth activists Dikang, chinaworker.info “Our activities were actually illegal crimes. They seriously disturb the social order, and ignited foreign criticism tow...

    Landslide vote to repeal Ireland’s abortion laws

    Statement by Solidarity / Socialist Party Members of Parliament, Ruth Coppinger, Paul Murphy and Mick Barry A massive 66.4 percent voted ‘Yes’ in the 25 May referendum, to overturn the ban on abortion (‘8th Amendment’). This is a political earthqu...

    Latest News

    United States: Kamala Harris — A new hope or a mirage?

    Is this newfound hope in the Democratic Party justified? Not by a long shot Teddy Shibabaw, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This art...

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