October 23, 2024


    Iran’s retaliation attack: From bloodbath in Gaza to the brink of regional conflagration

    Unprecedented military response of the regime in Tehran to the provocative Israeli assassination of Iranian generals in Damascus leads to fear of a chain reaction. Shahar Ben Horin and Yasha Marmer, Socialist Struggle (ISA in Israel-Palestine) (Thi...

    Iran: Stop the hijacking of the Revolution!

    Pro-capitalist opposition are “united” — but offer no solution for women, workers, and the poor. ISA working group Iran (This article was first published on 16 February 2023) On Friday 10 February, on the eve of the 44th anniversary of the establi...

    Iran: Fighting for a revolutionary alternative to the regime

    The revolutionary uprising in Iran has been ongoing for over 2 months now. Heroic actions on the streets, led by women and youth have been decisive in inspiring broader layers of society and the working class to rise up.

    Iranian uprising: Jina (Mahsa) Amini must become the symbol of successful working-class revolution!

    The killing of a young Kurdish woman in Iran has triggered a massive wave of upheaval, protests and strikes, threatening the whole regime. Nina Mo, ISA in Austria (This article was firstly published on 2 October, and last edited on 12 October 2022)...

    Iran: Justice for Zhina (Mahsa) Amini! Down with the Islamic regime!

    Build international socialist-feminist solidarity with the growing movement against gender based and state violence! ISA & ROSA International Socialist Feminists (This article was first published on 20 September 2022) The killing of Zhina (Mahs...

    Elections in Iran: “Death Judge” Raisi is new president as struggles loom on horizon

    Friday’s presidential election in Iran saw a historic low turnout of under 50%. The victor, Ebrahim Raisi symbolises the desperate decline of the regime, which is showing its ugliest face in these times of crisis.

    Iran-China deal: “New cold war” reshaping international relations

    A “Strategic partnership” deal was signed between China and Iran at the end of March. It marks a further move in the increasing tensions between Chinese and US imperialism.

    Iran: Solidarity with workers’ struggles in Iran.

    Strike committees throughout the country is needed as the first step for a new revolutionary working class party to overthrow the regime. Nina Mo, Socialist Left Party (ISA Austria) Since the beginning of August there have been major strikes in mor...

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    United States: Kamala Harris — A new hope or a mirage?

    Is this newfound hope in the Democratic Party justified? Not by a long shot Teddy Shibabaw, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This art...

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