Trial on 8 November — Build the Nigeria Solidarity Campaign!
(This article was first published on 18 October 2024)
Below is an update on ISA’s Nigeria Solidarity Campaign, followed by an article on the latest price hikes on fuel and the demand...
Our comrades need to study these crucial lessons: The Russian Revolution. Trotsky’s analysis and struggle against Stalinism. The strengthening of Stalinism in the post-1945 era. And its collapse 35 years ago. This is a vital part of the theoretical foundation the ISA and next generation Marxists must build our movement upon.
ISA International Committee Statement
Introduction — “The Single Most Important Element of World Relations”
ISA has identified a New Cold War between US and Chinese imperialism, which has asserted itself, as “the single most important element ...
During the World Congress of ISA held from 30 January to 5 February delegates and visitors held intense discussions on ‘World Perspectives’. As a consequence, the document “Epoch of multiple crises — we have a world to win” was passed. We publish her...
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote in the 1848 Communist Manifesto published by the first international, socialist workers’ organization (the Communist League), whose message runs like a thread through 1 May : "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of All Countries, Unite!"
Here we publish the text of a document on World Perspectives discussed, amended and approved by ISA’s International Committee during a meeting from 23–26 February 2021
Almost four months have passed sinc...
In many parts of the world, the clock appears to be turning back on the gains made by the women’s movement and workers’ struggles in the past. This is...
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