July 27, 2024

    Left Alternative & Socialism

    United States: Biden debate disaster shows — We can’t wait to build new party

    Enough with capitalism’s two party political system and all the exploitation and oppression it breeds. Join Socialist Alternative and build the socialist movement!

    Left politics: Sinn Féin, PBP and the question of a left government in Ireland

    A significant change in the political landscape in Ireland, coupled with Sinn Féin’s rise to become the largest party in the North, will be a defining feature of Irish politics in the next few years. The misguided tactical approach that flows fro...

    Sri Lanka: PM resigns after counter-revolutionary assault provokes furious response

    Nothing short of a revolutionary crisis has developed, one that is likely to be a forerunner of similar upheavals in other countries.

    Climate crisis: IPCC’s report shows climate cannot wait — fight for a socialist alternative!

    The new IPCC climate report is vital, but flawed in one crucial respect: the problem is not ‘humanity’ — it’s capitalism!

    After the ceasefire: Israeli state acts against Palestinian youth

    Fighting for international solidarity and a socialist solution

    An unfortunate and unnecessary departure from ISA

    Statement by the International Executive of International Socialist Alternative

    Myanmar: Lessons from the struggle as it enters new phase

    Despite the overwhelming superiority of weaponry in the hands of the military the heroic Myanmar masses are continuing to resist the takeover Rob Jones    ISA Agraphic example of the current situation in Myanmar was given the other day, when while sp...

    Economics: Modern Monetary Theory or Marxism?

    Socialists should be friendly and understanding of MMT’s appeal, but firm in pointing out its weakness as a bourgeois theory which does not recognize the limitations of the capitalist system itself.

    International Workers’ Day 2021: Organize to fight for global socialism!

    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote in the 1848 Communist Manifesto published by the first international, socialist workers’ organization (the Communist League), whose message runs like a thread through 1 May : "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of All Countries, Unite!"

    Latest News

    Wall Street Journal fires new head of Hong Kong journalists’ union

    Media workers and the wider working class must stand together in Hong Kong, the US, China and internationally against all attacks.

    Join us and organize to back fight. For a socialist world