October 26, 2024


    Capitalism is preparing for more war – We need a socialist alternative

    Chris Gray, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This article was first published on 10 July 2023) As inter-imperialist tensions continue to heighten, capitalist governments around the world plan to spend over $6 trillion on their mili...

    China: Terrified of more protests, dictatorship targets young women protesters

    The CCP is terrified of radicalizing young women Elan Axelbank, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales and Scotland) (This article was first published on 16 February 2023) The protests triggered by China’s brutal zero-Covid policy late last ...

    Protests [Mostly] Suppressed In China But Crucially, Continue Outside

    Read below for an update on where the movement stands in China, followed by a selection of reports from solidarity demonstrations across the world and ISA’s involvement. Elan Axelbank, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales & Scotland) In...

    China’s mass revolt – where now?

    Most significant protests since the 1989 Democracy Movement Li Yong and Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info At the time of writing police are massing in Chinese cities in an effort to stamp out the recent protest wave. Protests continue at universities....

    London protest for imprisoned Chinese socialist

    On 25 November protesters gathered outside the Chinese Embassy in London in solidarity with the imprisoned socialist labour activist Chai Xiaoming. Around 30 protesters chanted, “Free Chai Xiaoming!” and “Solidarity with Chinese socialists and Ja...

    China: Repression against China’s left intensifies

    Socialist Chai Xiaoming has spent almost four years in prison awaiting sentence chinaworker.info reporters Socialist labour activist Chai Xiaoming stands accused of “inciting subversion of state power”. The verdict against the 46-year-old will be h...

    China: Mortgage revolt shakes government

    The growing mortgage rebellion shows how events in China are moving fast chinaworker.info China is being shaken by a new resistance movement. Tens of thousands of mortgage rebels have announced they will no longer pay back their housing loans for unf...

    China: ‘Zero COVID’: Xi Jinping’s new era of totalitarian control

    China’s COVID outbreak of 2022 has become a major economic and humanitarian crisis Dikang, chinaworker.info “Five more years!” This was the bombshell message from the CCP’s top official in Beijing at the end of June. Cai Qi is the CCP’s secretary i...

    China: The unreal world of Xi Jinping

    Chinese regime’s propaganda goes into overdrive as Xi positions himself for unprecedented third term This article is from Socialist Alternative, the political magazine of the Socialist Party (ISA) in Ireland. By Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info There i...

    Hong Kong mass arrests – Xi Jinping strikes while Western powers are in disarray

    Mass arrests of democratic opposition under China’s national security law ISA reporters in Hong Kong The latest sweeping crackdown by the Chinese dictatorship (CCP) in Hong Kong effectively bans political opposition in the city. The fragile ‘democr...

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    United States: Kamala Harris — A new hope or a mirage?

    Is this newfound hope in the Democratic Party justified? Not by a long shot Teddy Shibabaw, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States) (This art...

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