February 5, 2025


    Common History Common Struggle by Peter Hadden

    Sectarianism or mass struggle? Book review by Per-Åke Westerlund   Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna(CWI Sweden) Northern Ireland is usually described by media and politicians as an eternal battle between Catholics and Protestants. Peter Hadden's...

    Marx’s Capital at 150

    An unequalled analysis and critique of capitalism, still relevant today Robin Clapp, Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales) The Daily Mail reacted with predictable hysteria when, in May 2017, John McDonnell stated: "You can't understand the...

    Film review: Joshua – Teenager vs. Superpower

    Prize-winning documentary of young democracy activist offers sympathy, but no solutions Reviewed by Adam N. Lee, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) This documentary by US screenwriter and director Joe Piscatella profiles 20-year old Hong K...

    Snowden movie: US ‘deep state’ in the spotlight

    Film review • Campaign for presidential pardon gains momentum Vincent Kolo, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) Film: Snowden Director: Oliver Stone Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Rhys Ifans, Melissa Leo, Nicholas Cage “It’s not about...

    Revisiting Animal Farm

    Allegory of the terrible betrayal of the Russian revolution Andy Ford reviews George Orwell’s influential story, 70 years since it was first published in 1945 A success almost from the start, Animal Farm was rated among the 100 greatest novels ...

    Socialism: Past or future?

    Review of ‘PostCapitalism: a guide to our future’ by Paul Mason Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) General Secretary Paul Mason’s latest book, PostCapitalism, presents a vision of a new society, without the horrors of th...

    ’No place to hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the US Surveillance state’

    What the 1% will do to defend their class interests Reviewed by Tony Saunois, CWI This powerful, gripping and incisive book was first published on 13 May 2014. Glenn Greenwald and, of course, his star whistle-blower, Edward Snowden, have done a...

    Selma: A Film review

    Eljeer Hawkins, SocialistAlternative/USA “ ...Somewhere in the dream we had an epiphany Now we right the wrongs in history No one can win the war individually It takes the wisdom of the elders and young people's energy…” – Common and John Legen...

    Hong Kong: How are political parties financed?

    Socialist Action refuses money from business or government agencies – our support comes from ordinary people From Socialist Magazine, issue 30 The issue of funding for political parties and NGOs has become a big issue. During the ‘Umbrella Revo...

    How US imperialism helped to foster al Qaeda

    Despite their recent propaganda it was US governments that helped to create the Frankenstein’s monster of right-wing islamism and al Qaeda We here republish a review article from 2004 by Laurence Coates in Socialism Today (journal of the CWI in En...

    Latest News

    Trump, Greenland and the Panama Canal

    Greenland, the Panama Canal, Canada… Donald Trump’s growing “shopping list” expresses the military and economic interests of US imperialism. Per-Ake ...

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