‘Defend pensions! Stop corruption!’
Chris Dite in Taipei
Around 20,000 Taiwanese workers used this year’s May Day to rally against austerity and cuts to the pension. Workers weaved through the central Taipei city streets today , despite the col...
Over 200,000 take to the streets on the eve of Japan’s Fukushima anniversary – to demand a nuclear-free Taiwan
Hsu Hsiao-ming and Pasha in Taipei
Massive demonstrations were held across Taiwan on ‘309’ – Saturday 9 March – demanding the scrappi...
Rising national tensions point to new turbulent era in East Asia
Vincent Kolo presents a view of the Diaoyu Island conflict as a contribution to discussion within the Chinese section of the CWI
The conflict over disputed islands in the East Chi...
Solidarity and struggle until victory
CWI in Taiwan
22 July was an exciting day, because Hualon textile workers came to Taipei from Miaoli, 100km away, and had a discussion with people. This discussion was held by CWI Taiwan and other groups. 4...
Solidarity needed in fight to save jobs
CWI Taiwan
Three hundred textile workers in the Hualon Corporation’s factory in Miaoli County, Taiwan declared indefinite strike more than a month ago on 6 June. Since then they have occupied the factory ...
Anniversary of Japan’s twin disasters and Fukushima meltdown sees nuclear capitalists back on the offensive
Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info
“We must close down all nuclear power plants… We demand the democratic public ownership and control of Ta...
Taiwan was first incorporated into China by the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) in 1683. It first became a province of China in 1885, ten years before the Qing surrendered it to the Japanese in the Sino-Japanese war.
By Laurence CoatesHan Chinese settle...
China’s adoption of an Anti-Secession Law (ASL) on 14 March, threatening non-peaceful steps should Taiwan declare formal independence, marked a sharp rise in tensions across the Taiwan Strait.
By Laurence Coates
In April, mass anti-Japanese pr...
In many parts of the world, the clock appears to be turning back on the gains made by the women’s movement and workers’ struggles in the past. This is...
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