25N — We Need Socialist Feminism Against Capitalist Violence!
The fight for an end to violence against women must be an anti-capitalist fight.
Statement by the ISA’s International Women’s Bureau
November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, founded in 1981 after the m...
Rosa Luxemburg: Her revolutionary ideas
January 15th marked the 101st anniversary of the murder of the outstanding revolutionary socialist leader, Rosa Luxemburg
Eleanor Crossey-Malone (ISA Ireland)
This article, first published by Socialist Party Ireland, looks at her def...
Healthcare:Neoliberalism causes “social murder” on a global scale
For a social and political program to fight the pandemic
Katya Raetz (Sweden) and Marty Harrison (US)
frontline health workers and ISA members
The figures for those infected and deceased are outdated as soon as they are reported. More than 3.5 mill...
A New 1930s: Lessons for Workers and Socialists
“The shock to the global economy from COVID-19 has been both faster and more severe than... even the Great Depression”
Per-Åke Westerlund Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (ISA in Sweden)
That comment by economist Nouriel Roubini on 24th March indicate...
Founding Declaration of ROSA: International Socialist Feminists
A new socialist feminist campaign organization launched by International Socialist Alternative • Get in touch with us today to join our network & struggle — “give us bread but give us roses!”
ROSA International
All ov...
China: Massive job destruction has already begun
China’s rulers are destroying ten times as many coal mining jobs as Britain’s ‘Iron Lady’ Mrs Thatcher reporters
A tsunami of job destruction is heading towards heavy industry in China. This is especially in the coal and steel ...
Scottish referendum: Ten days that can shake British capitalism to its foundations
Opinion polls show independence vote is balancing on a knife edge
Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI in Scotland)
“In the past four weeks support for the union has drained away at an astonishing rate. The Yes campaign has not just in...
World Perspectives: Age of austerity preparing seismic convulsions
We are living through one of the most dramatic periods in history
Document adopted by the December 2012 meeting of the International Executive Committee of the CWIIntroduction
We are living through one of the most dramatic periods in history....
Italy: Deepening social and political crisis
Huge opportunities for building new workers’ party
Giuliano Brunetti, Controcorrente (CWI in Italy)
2012 has marked a turning point in the level of the economic, social and political crisis in Italy. After Greece, Italy is one of the hardest hi...
Ireland: If they take one non-payer to court they take us all
Non-payment campaign against household tax: Preparation needed to organise a powerful, mass response to any court cases
Cian Prendiville, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)
According to the government, after their three threatening letters, they pla...
Latest News
Ten years since Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution
“The capitalist CCP dictatorship can be fought in Hong Kong, but it can only be defeated in China” reporters
On 28 September, 2014, w...
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