On December 3, South Korea’s far right President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law and a state of emergency. But the president’s coup attempt was quickly thwarted and he is now suspended from office facing impeachment.
Vilgot Karlsson, ISA Sweden
With no interest in national and ethnic division, and every interest in putting people and the planet first, the working class can lead a struggle to end war and imperialism, and open a new era of workers’ unity and socialism.
For socialists, even in war, the starting point is always what benefits workers, the poor and ordinary people. The best traditions of the labour movement are to resist war and militarism, to have an independent line — not to ally with the right, capital and the state.
Friday’s presidential election in Iran saw a historic low turnout of under 50%. The victor, Ebrahim Raisi symbolises the desperate decline of the regime, which is showing its ugliest face in these times of crisis.
Despite the overwhelming superiority of weaponry in the hands of the military the heroic Myanmar masses are continuing to resist the takeover
Rob Jones ISA
Agraphic example of the current situation in Myanmar was given the other day, when while sp...
While certain details and statistical information have receded in importance, or even in some cases been disproved by subsequent events, the general outline presented in this document from six years ago has been vindicated.
Only an organized movement of the working class, armed with a socialist programme, can break with imperialism and capitalism, the real source of the poverty, exploitation and oppression that plagues the Colombian masses.
Trump will be the most supportive US president ever to Netanyahu and the extreme-right.
Per-Ake Westerlund, ISA International Political Committee
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