February 9, 2025

    Solidarity Against Repression in China and Hong Kong

    Hong Kong: Lessons of the 2019 mass struggle

    These were the biggest demonstrations in Hong Kong history, with one in four people going onto the street

    Hong Kong: Teachers’ trade union crumples in the face of government attack

    Only mass organised resistance and solidarity can withstand the Chinese dictatorship’s attacks on trade unions and democratic rights.

    CCP’s police state in Hong Kong

    Campaign launch discussed solidarity with workers, feminists and democracy activists The following article is based on a speech by Vincent Kolo of chinaworker.info at a launch meeting for the SARCHK campaign on 9 June, 2021, in England, Wales and Sc...

    Northern Ireland trade union protests repression in Hong Kong and China

    The Northern Ireland Public Sector Alliance (NIPSA), which represents 40,000 civil servants and public sector workers, backed a motion to "Support solidarity campaigns with those fighting for genuinely independent trade unions and democratic rights for workers in Hong Kong and China."

    Solidarity against Repression in China and Hong Kong (SARCHK): Protests in 38 cities worldwide deman...

    We need a revolutionary movement in Hong Kong and mainland China to overthrow the CCP dictatorship.

    Police crackdown on Hong Kong June 4 vigil

    Many mainland Chinese have continued to travel to Hong Kong to join the annual protests, defying the CCP’s dictatorial control.

    HSBC: The bank that supports the Chinese dictatorship

    We are calling out HSBC for its collusion with the viciously repressive Chinese regime. We urge trade unions and ordinary working people everywhere to show your solidarity with the struggle for democratic rights in China and Hong Kong.

    Hong Kong “subversion” trial – international protests on May 31

    Solidarity Against Repression in China and Hong Kong is building active grassroots solidarity with the anti-authoritarian struggle in China and Hong Kong, and firmly opposes siding with or supporting any capitalist government. The workers’ movement, social movements of women, youth and oppressed minorities, these are the only forces that can defeat repressive regimes.

    Defend feminists in China

    Solidarity Against Repression in China and Hong Kong and International Socialist Alternative protests the attacks against feminists in China. We urge our supporters and readers to take action. Share this article widely and translate it, especially to alert the women’s movement in your country.

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