Hong Kong’s ‘Occupy Central’ leaders embellish the role of the middle class and ‘legality’ – ignoring key lessons from 1989
Dikang, Socialist Action
This article from the current issue of Socialist magazine, produced by the Chinese section of t...
Billionaires’ fortunes have increased by almost 17 percent in a year while the poor get poorer
Mao Zedong’s granddaughter has climbed into the ranks of China’s richest people. Kong Dongmei, granddaughter of the ‘great helmsman’...
Socialist magazine (published by the Chinese section of the CWI) asked Vincent Kolo, senior editor of chinaworker.info, about rising levels of debt in China and whether this heralds a financial collapse?
Socialist magazine: How serious are China’s...
At annual NPC-CPPCC meetings Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang talk of ‘painful’ reforms for economy, but rule out ‘Western models’
Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info
China’s ‘two red carpet shows’ in early March, the NPC and CPPCC, put their seal on the o...
Chinese regime’s repression responsible for Tibetan self-immolationschinaworker.info reportersMarch 14 will mark the fifth anniversary of the protests across Tibetan-populated regions against suffocating political and religious repression by the Comm...
CCP leader Xi Jinping three times wealthier than the whole British cabinet
Vincent Kolo
On March 5, the world’s wealthiest-by-far political assemblies will open for business in Beijing. The annual sessions of the NPC and it’s sister body CPPCC ...
Villagers in Shangpu occupy public square and demand democratic vote over land seizures
Zhang Shujie and Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info
Yet another Guangdong village has risen in revolt against illicit land sales. Yet another tense standoff is ...
We wish all our readers and supporters a Happy New Year
As families gather to celebrate the Spring Festival, chinaworker.info wishes to extend greetings to working class communities everywhere. While we take time to enjoy the ...
Last weekend’s air pollution levels in Beijing were 40 times WHO safety limits
chinaworker.info reporters
“I love our city, but I refuse to be a human vacuum cleaner!” This was one of thousands of comments from Beijingers via social media last ...
CCP dictatorship employs familiar ‘carrot-and-stick’ tactics to quell protests, but for how long?
Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info
The strike last week by journalists at the Southern Weekend newspaper in Guangzhou was a courageous protest against...
Cody Turner, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States)
(This article is by our sister organisation in the United States, Socialist Alternative...
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