Overcapacity and rising debt burden limits government’s policy options
Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info
The scandalous fall of Chongqing CCP (Communist Party) kingpin Bo Xilai earlier this year marked a turning point in China’s recent history. Th...
Human rights and workers’ rights little concern for Irish government representing profit interests
Joe Higgins, TD (member of Irish Parliament), Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)
Beijing’s annual NPC meeting showcases ties between capitalists and authoritarian system (video clip)
chinaworker.info reporters
The 3,000 delegates to China’s nominally highest ruling organ, the National People’s Congress (NPC), began their ...
TV news report highlights the case of CWI supporter Zhang Shujie
New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) carried this report on the case of CWI supporter Zhang Shujie, who fled China in October 2011 with the help of CWI comrades an...
20 tonnes of poisonous metal dumped into tributary of Pearl River
Vincent Kolo and Zhang Shujie, chinaworker.info
Disaster has struck again. Water supplies to millions of city residents have been put in jeopardy by yet another pollution scandal...
How the security police operate
CWI reporters in Stockholm
“I was warned that I could get several years in prison for ‘contact with a banned organization’ and for ‘crimes related to national security.’ Zhang Shujie, a socialist from China, gave w...
LSD legislator from Hong Kong to speak in support of young socialist Zhang Shujie, forced to flee China
Hong Kong legislator ‘Long Hair’ Leung Kwok-hung is in Sweden to attend a seminar in the Riksdag (parliament) on state repr...
Repression against left activists increasing in China
By CWI reporters
The ongoing and intensifying state crackdown in China, increasingly targeting left activists and critics, is highlighted by the case of 24-year old Zhang Shujie, a supporter...
Thousands of farmers and students join protest marches in at least six cities
Vincent Kolo, chinaworker.info
At the time of writing it seems China’s rulers have succeeded in quelling a daring weeklong wave of street protests in Inner Mongolia. ...
Rebuild and escalate the global movement against genocidal war and imperialism
Per-Åke Westerlund, ISA International Political Committee
(This artic...
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