Anniversary of Japan’s twin disasters and Fukushima meltdown sees nuclear capitalists back on the offensive
Vincent Kolo,
“We must close down all nuclear power plants… We demand the democratic public ownership and control of Ta...
Three women from the Philippines talk to Socialist magazine about their experiences of working abroad, economic hardship and discrimination
Grace Pastorfide, migrant worker and supporter of Socialist Action
There are 301,000 migrant workers livin...
Mass struggle needed for genuine and fair elections and the end of tycoon rule
Editorial from Socialist magazine (CWI in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan)
Popular anger over scandals around the political figures – Donald Tsang Yam-kuen and Henry Tan...
Human rights and workers’ rights little concern for Irish government representing profit interests
Joe Higgins, TD (member of Irish Parliament), Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)
Beijing’s annual NPC meeting showcases ties between capitalists and authoritarian system (video clip) reporters
The 3,000 delegates to China’s nominally highest ruling organ, the National People’s Congress (NPC), began their ...
Scottish National Party’s version of independence a nightmare for workers
Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI in Scotland)
The following article by a Scottish CWI comrade gives a good example of how Marxists approach the national questi...
Euro-zone crisis deepensFinghín Kelly, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland)The International Executive Committee (IEC) of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) met from 17 to 22 January 2011, in Belgium, with over 33 countries represented from...
TV news report highlights the case of CWI supporter Zhang Shujie
New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) carried this report on the case of CWI supporter Zhang Shujie, who fled China in October 2011 with the help of CWI comrades an...
International struggle can end dictatorship of the markets
Joint declaration by CWI sections in Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain
In 2012, the markets and capitalist governments which serve them, have more misery in store. This will me...
Budget cuts endangered city residents
David Rhoades, Socialist Alternative (ISA in the United States), Los Angeles
(This article was first published...
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