February 6, 2025


    China’s economy: What happened to the rebound?

    Guizhou province’s distress signal opens new front in country’s debt meltdown Editorial, issue 70 of Socialist magazine (ISA's magazine in China) China’s economy suffered a disastrous 2022. Xi Jinping, months into his unprecedented third term as ...

    China: Xi Jinping’s 20th Congress caps five years of political disasters

    Xi’s totalitarian rule is steering China towards revolutionary upheavals Editorial from Socialist (社會主義者) magazine, published by International Socialist Alternative in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan The Chinese regime (CCP) is holding its 20th Congress ...

    Economics: Modern Monetary Theory or Marxism?

    Socialists should be friendly and understanding of MMT’s appeal, but firm in pointing out its weakness as a bourgeois theory which does not recognize the limitations of the capitalist system itself.

    Global tax reform: Is capitalism making the rich pay?

    For socialists, taxing private wealth is not enough, the key question is the ownership of wealth. To take real power over the economy, the nationalisation of big business is necessary, under democratic control by workers and poor, and in real international cooperation.

    Suez Canal blockade: crisis in maritime shipping industry

    Memes and jokes have dominated social media using the image of the ship and the tiny digger — a metaphor for capitalism, lacking any genuine solutions to the ever widening range of crises it has created.

    Iran-China deal: “New cold war” reshaping international relations

    A “Strategic partnership” deal was signed between China and Iran at the end of March. It marks a further move in the increasing tensions between Chinese and US imperialism.

    World Perspectives: Opportunities and Dangers in the “Age of Disorder”

    Here we publish the text of a document on World Perspectives discussed, amended and approved by ISA’s International Committee during a meeting from 23–26 February 2021 InternationalSocialist.net Introduction Almost four months have passed sinc...

    US-China conflict: Unsolvable problem for Australian capitalists

    The Australian ruling class have no solution to the problem they face. If they cut out China, they face the loss of their most important trading partner. If they engage with China, they weaken the imperialist goals of the US, and strengthen those of ...

    Scotland: Can the SNP deliver independence?

    The SNP’s commanding lead in the polls however does not reflect any real ability to do what it takes to win independence in the face of Tory obduracy, or to deliver on the issues which Scottish workers look to independence to resolve. Paul Moorhou...

    How would a planned economy work?

    Defence of democratic socialist planning a fundamental task for successful social transformation Peter Delsing, LSP/PSL (ISA in Belgium) This article is based on an introductory speech given to a commission on ‘Marxist economics — How would a pla...

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    Trump, Greenland and the Panama Canal

    Greenland, the Panama Canal, Canada… Donald Trump’s growing “shopping list” expresses the military and economic interests of US imperialism. Per-Ake ...

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