Result of massive international campaign of solidarity
Statement by Ainur Kurmanov, Socialist Movement, Kazakhstan
Today, August 28, Vadim Kuramshin was released from the courtroom in Taraz after the jury’s verdict was announced. The human righ...
The greatest sporting, and money-making, show on earth
Manny Thain, from an edited version of an article in Socialism Today (monthly magazine of the Socialist Party, CWI England and Wales)
The 2012 Olympic Games, held in London, will start with...
South African police massacres striking workers at Marikana - call for protest action
DSM (CWI South Africa)
At least 46 workers were shot dead, and many more injured, on August 16 as a massive police assault was launched to crush a strike ...
Public support growing for punk group!
Rob Jones Moscow
It would have been difficult to predict a year ago that a group of “third generation feminist punk rockers” calling themselves “Pussy riot” and dressed in brightly colored balaclavas and w...
For a 48 hour general strike to bring down Rajoy government
John Hird, CWI Spain
Thousands of coal miners arrived in Madrid, last week, completing another march on the capital as part of the struggle to defend their jobs. They were greeted by t...
In struggle against brutal Assad regime, working class must oppose sectarianism and imperialist intervention
Niall Mulholland, CWI
The killing of 108 people near the Syrian town of Houla shocked and appalled people everywhere. Particularly abho...
Non-payment campaign against household tax: Preparation needed to organise a powerful, mass response to any court cases
Cian Prendiville, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)
According to the government, after their three threatening letters, they pla...
Protest to Russian Embassies!
CWI Reporters, Moscow
Nearly three months after the event, Russian police are continuing to arrest protesters who took part in a massive opposition demonstration of 6 May. The demonstration ended in clashes and the...
Clear socialist programme for struggle needed
Nicos Anastasiades, Xekinima (CWI Greece)
The relief of the capitalist world leaders attending the G20 summit in Mexico didn’t last long. Within hours following the narrow general election victory o...
Capitalist crisis and workers’ mass struggles take global dimensions
Finghín Kelly, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)
This week, up to 400 people are attending the Committee for a Workers International (CWI) annual Summer School in Belgium, from al...
In many parts of the world, the clock appears to be turning back on the gains made by the women’s movement and workers’ struggles in the past. This is...
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