Spain: New epicentre of crisis in Europe
EU/IMF bank bailout only scrapes tip of iceberg
Danny Byrne, CWI
The crisis in Spain is such that developments come and go at lightning speed and are difficult to predict or anticipate exactly. What will happen next in Spain is intrinsically li...
US: Socialist candidate challenges corporate politics in Washington state
"During an election dominated by career politicians who are loyal to big business, I am running as a Socialist Alternative candidate to make sure there is at least one independent left-wing, pro-worker candidate in Washington State worth voting for."...
Venezuela: Where are Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution heading?
The Current Political Context
Johan Rivas, Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Venezuela)
The Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution has once again reached a crossroads in the forthcoming Presidential elections. For the first time in a long time there ...
Ireland / China: Irish Prime Minister challenged over Chinese Vice-President’s visit
Human rights and workers’ rights little concern for Irish government representing profit interests
Joe Higgins, TD (member of Irish Parliament), Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)
Scotland: ConDem government blunders independence referendum
Scottish National Party’s version of independence a nightmare for workers
Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI in Scotland)
The following article by a Scottish CWI comrade gives a good example of how Marxists approach the national questi...
CWI International Meeting: Upturn in class struggles across Europe
Euro-zone crisis deepensFinghín Kelly, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland)The International Executive Committee (IEC) of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) met from 17 to 22 January 2011, in Belgium, with over 33 countries represented from...
China: Socialist Zhang Shujie exposes state repression of left activists
TV news report highlights the case of CWI supporter Zhang Shujie
New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) carried this report on the case of CWI supporter Zhang Shujie, who fled China in October 2011 with the help of CWI comrades an...
Europe: No to the debt! No to the austerity! No to the blackmail!
International struggle can end dictatorship of the markets
Joint declaration by CWI sections in Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain
In 2012, the markets and capitalist governments which serve them, have more misery in store. This will me...
Newsflash: 48-hour general strike tomorrow in Greece
Anger spilling over against troika austerity
After Tuesday’s 24-hour general strike in Greece, the situation has escalated rapidly. While the capitalist politicians, after some token hesitation, have signed up lock stock and ...
China: CWI’s Zhang Shujie spoke at hearing in Sweden’s parliament
How the security police operate
CWI reporters in Stockholm
“I was warned that I could get several years in prison for ‘contact with a banned organization’ and for ‘crimes related to national security.’ Zhang Shujie, a socialist from China, gave w...
Latest News
China’s ‘Japanification’ worse than Japan’s
Socialist magazine editorial part 3 (the first and second parts of this article series were published on 5 September and 8 September 2024)
“Perhaps ...
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