Can the Chinese dictatorship survive another quarter of a century?
Vincent Kolo,
June 4th marks the 25th anniversary of the bloody massacre in Beijing that ended the mass student-led democracy movement which came close to topp...
NGO activist seized during Dongguan shoe workers’ mass strike • To fight for unpaid social insurance contributions is not a crime!
Socialist Action reporters in Hong Kong
Protesters gathered outside the Central Government’s Liaison Office in Ho...
Lin Dong was arrested on 22 April for supporting Dongguan’s massive Yue Yuen strike
HONG KONG: Members of Socialist Action (CWI) and LSD legislator ‘Long Hair’ Leung Kwok-hung protested at Adidas, Nike and Timberland stores in ...
Occupations in Wan Chai and Central against government’s corrupt outsourcing system
Interview with Refugee Union chairman Raymond by Bas Solomon of Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong)
Refugees in Hong Kong are united, and refuse to be ignored a...
Hong Kong and Indonesian governments should also stand trial over migrant workers’ rights
Socialist Action reporters in Hong Kong
The return of Erwiana Sulistyaningsih to Hong Kong is a major event for the city’s 330,000 migrant domestic worker...
Sexism, discriminatory laws and poverty hit women hard in China’s richest city
Sally Tang Mei-ching and Vincent Kolo,
For the fourth year in a row Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) took the initiative to a public rally on In...
Fight against corruption at welfare contractor ISS leads to the ‘pinnacle of power’ in Hong Kong’s government
Vincent Kolo,
“Who took our money? ISS! Who sponsors corruption? CY’s wife!” This was one of the chants as over 60 re...
‘Occupy SWD’ accuses government of covering up abuses by its private refugee welfare contractor ISS-HK
Around 50 refugees with their families set up a protest camp outside the offices of the Social Welfare Department (SWD) in Hong Kong’s Wan Chai ...
Banned in China – Socialist magazine celebrates 5 years of publication!
Socialist magazine
The March-April issue of Chinese language Socialist (社会主义者) magazine is out on the streets in Hong Kong. Next week the Taiwan and mainland China ed...
The Refugee Union in Hong Kong stages new protest in swift response to eviction after 7-day occupation
Socialist Action reporters
“Shame on ISS! Shame on ISS!” echoed across the packed streets of Hong Kong’s Wan Chai district today as 40 member...
US-China imperialist conflict set to escalate on all fronts
Vincent Kolo, ISA International Committee
(This is an extended version of an article from ...
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